Operating Systems Group Dept. of CS TU-Dresden
- Running Linux on top of L4
Latest release: 6.13

Building L4Linux and requisites

System Requirements

L4Linux is an L4Re application and therefore needs L4Re as its environment. Make sure you have your L4Re environment ready before proceeding with building L4Linux. If you haven't done so already proceed with downloading and building L4Re and come back here when done.

General remark: Keep both L4Linux and the other L4 components in sync and up to date to avoid problems. Also make sure to use the same compiler version to compile both the L4 tree and L4Linux.


L4Linux builds as a standard Linux, however there are a few things to consider.

Go to the l4linux directory and initially setup your kernel with an appropriate defconfig, e.g.:

  make O=/your/l4linux/build/directory x86_64_defconfig

Additionally, change configuration:

  make O=/your/l4linux/build/directory menuconfig

or make O=/your/l4linux/build/directory xconfig for a graphical configuration.

You may also issue make help to get a list of available standard configurations.

To configure L4Linux specific options, go to the "L4Linux configuration" submenu. Set the directory to your L4Re build tree.

For a native configuration it is generally safe to use nearly anything like drivers but do not enable features like ACPI, apic/ioapic, HPET, highmem, MTRR, MCE, power management and similar.
When running on Fiasco-UX, do not enable any feature that might touch the hardware directly, like drivers, PCI, VGA, input drivers etc.

Make sure to enable Support for frame buffer devices and and Framebuffer Console support for the console to work.

Build L4Linux with

    make O=/your/l4linux/build/directory

If the build was successful, it produces a file vmlinuz directly in the /your/l4linux/build/directory directory.

Last modified: Thu, Jun 01 2017, 23:36