Operating Systems Group Dept. of CS TU-Dresden
- Running Linux on top of L4
Latest release: 6.13

The L4Linux team

Bug reports and general questions concerning L4Linux can be sent (in English) to the developer's mailing list at <l4-hackers@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>. You can subscribe to this mailing list via the web interface.
The discussion language for this mailing list is English. Due to the amount of spam received through this account this list is moderated, valid posts will be approved by the list moderator. Nevertheless you are encouraged to subscribe.

Before posting to the mailing list, you may want to check out the mailing list archive and the L4 FAQ.

L4Linux-2.6 and 3.x up to 6.x was and is done by Adam Lackorzynski.

The following people have worked on L4Linux-2.4:

Volkmar Uhlig
Initial port, X.2, SMP
Adam Lackorzynski
Fiasco compliance, L4Env, Updating
Joshua LeVasseur
Synchronization, Bug hunting

Previous L4Linux versions have been brought to you by the following people (in alphabetical order):
Robert Baumgartl,
the remote-debugging meister,
Martin Borriss,
the synchronization meister,
Hermann Härtig,
our shepherd,
Michael Hohmuth,
the infrastructure meister,
Jochen Liedtke from IBM Watson Research Center,
the µ-kernel meister,
Sebastian Schönberg,
the quick'n'dirty meister, and
Jean Wolter
the performance optimization meister.
The L4Linux team wishes to thank the following people:
Sven Rudolph,
our ex system administrator,
AIM Technology
for providing us with the AIM Multiuser Benchmark Suite VII, and
many people at IBM Watson Research Center and the graduate students at the Operating Systems Department
for discussion and their invaluable help.
Last modified: Thu, Aug 29 2024, 18:43