Operating Systems Group Dept. of CS TU-Dresden
- Running Linux on top of L4
Latest release: 6.13

Papers, reports, and articles


H. Härtig, M. Hohmuth, J. Wolter:
Taming Linux
(In the proceedings of PART '98)



H. Härtig, M. Hohmuth, J. Liedtke, S. Schönberg, J. Wolter:
The Performance of µ-Kernel-based Systems
(appeared at 16th SOSP; also in ``Wiss. Beiträge zur Informatik,'' TU Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Heft 1/1997)



Michael Hohmuth:
Linux Architecture-Specific Kernel Interfaces



M. Borriss, M. Hohmuth, J. Wolter, H. Härtig:
Portierung von Linux auf den µ-Kern L4
In German. ``Int. wiss. Kolloquium Ilmenau Sept. 1997''



M. Hohmuth, J. Wolter:
Prinzessin auf der Erbse - Linux-Portierung auf den Mikrokern L4
In German. (appeared in iX 1/1997)



Stefan Ueberhorst:
Linux auf L4
In German. (appeared in Computerwoche 33/1996)



Michael Hohmuth:
Linux-Emulation auf einem Mikrokern
In German; the slides are in English. (TUD.Inf master's thesis)


The following papers are also relevant but don't deal specifically with L4Linux.


Jochen Liedtke:
On Micro-Kernel Construction
(appeared at 15th SOSP)



Jochen Liedtke:
Improved Address Space Switching on Pentium Processors by Transparently Multiplexing User Address Spaces
(GMD technical report)



Michael Hohmuth, Sven Rudolph:
Steps Towards Porting a Unix Single Server to the L3 Microkernel
(TUD.Inf term paper)


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Last modified: Thu, Aug 19 2004, 19:02